South Pole Carbon Asset Development Program

South Pole Carbon Asset Development Program

July 21, 2022 0

We are pleased to open up South Pole‘s Carbon Asset Development Program.

There has been an increased interest in carbon credits from corporates and individuals looking to offset their carbon footprint.

Innovative start-ups and companies in sustainable technology and clean energy solutions, community water systems, and those interested in developing carbon credit projects are welcome to apply.

South Pole is the leading global carbon project developer and climate solutions provider. We connect the projects we manage to our broad range of buyers across the globe who are increasingly interested to purchase credits, certificates, and offsets as part of their voluntary corporate climate pledge.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Cookstoves: Have capacity to distribute 8,000 stoves within the first 2 years of the project.
  • Community Water Systems: 10,000 houses included in the project, within 500 meters to 1 kilometer from the water point
  • Renewable Energy: Minimum 10MW (or bundle different projects within the same country e.g 5MW x 2 = 10MW)
  • Biomass: Biogas and Bio-composting made from farming biomass waste – 36,000 tonnes of waste used a year.
  • Other technologies welcome to apply

Successful ventures in the program will benefit from, among others:

  • Support in development of the project description documentation with relevant annexes and calculations.
  • We will contract and work with an independent auditor to get a project validation and certification that confirms that your project complies with the rules of the different standards.
  • We will contract and work with an independent auditor for the project verification, meaning the ex-post confirmation that the project has successfully reduced emissions.
  • We will manage the project’s carbon credits registry account and issue, transfer and retire the carbon credits.
  • We will deliver the carbon credits to our global network of buyers.
  • Further support will be offered depending on unique project scenarios. 


Adzer Iwanger
Adzer Esther Iwanger
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