Loans Business Owners Can Access In Ghana

One of the biggest problems affecting businesses today is access to funding. SMEs have been key to the social and economic development of Ghana for several decades.

Since they are just about the main driver of development, production, and employment creation, funding is very important. There is no secret that the number one problem facing the Ghanaian business is access to credit. If you are an SME in Ghana and you need funding, this post is for you.

Why SMEs need funding

It is not just in Ghana that SMEs need funds; loans in Africa are important to all SMEs on the continent. The question that begs an answer is this, why do all these SMEs need funding? There are so many reasons, but we will mention a few below:

a.      Expand operations.

b.      Invest in technology.

c.       Employ more labour.

d.      Improve competitiveness.

e.      Increase productivity.

Ghanaian business owner

So why do SMEs find it challenging to access funding? There are several reasons for this as well, including:

a.      Many business owners don’t know where to look.

b.      Lack of registration.

c.       Lack of trust on the part of the lenders.

d.      Stringent conditions.

Loans for SMEs in Ghana

A loan is one of the commonest and easiest ways for businesses to raise funds. Usually, loans come at an interest depending on the loan provider. There are several loans available to business owners in Ghana. We will discuss a few in the remaining part of this post.

Microfinance Loans

Several Microfinance banks provide loans in Ghana. These loans are mostly targeted at small business owners. As a small business owner in Ghana, this must be interesting news for you.

Asides microfinance banks, you can also get loans from financial NGOs and microcredit institutions. Examples of institutions where you can access microfinance loans in Ghana include:

Microfinance banks

–          3AS Microfinance Limited

–          Adipa Microfinance Limited

–          Adom Boafo Microfinance Limited

–          Afro-Arab Microfinance Limited

–          Albrim Microfinance Limited

For the full list, click here.

Financial NGOs

–          Asrud FNGO Limited

–          Bevaud Support Foundation FNGO

–          Card FNGO

–          Cedi Foundation FNGO

–          Daasgift Quality Foundation FNGO

For the full list, click here.

Microcredit institutions

–          Cashcow Money Lending Limited

–          Cobbs Money Lending Services Limited

–          Cud Money Lending Limited

–          Dad Micro-Credit Limited

–          Dickmafle Money Lending Limited

For the full list, click here. You can also check out other registered financial bodies like rural community banks and forex bureau here.


This is another way of raising funds for business purposes in Ghana. Though it isn’t so popular yet, however, many entrepreneurs are already taking advantage of the opportunity. This method helps entrepreneurs to raise small amounts of capital that they need from a large number of people. Some of the common crowdfunding platforms used in Ghana include:

–          payPutt – This platform was established in Accra. It helps individuals to collect funds from contributors via cards and mobile money. The process is very simple, straightforward, and transparent.

–    Kwidex – This is another platform that helps entrepreneurs to raise funds for their businesses. It focuses more on helping business owners who are in the agricultural sector. To provide funding, Kwidex connects the business owners to individuals who want to own stakes in agriculture.

This way, regular people can contribute to the cause of these business owners by way of investment. In exchange, they get financial rewards when it is time to share profits. This is an unorthodox way of getting a loan since you are raising funds from investors and paying them back in the future.

Angel Investors

Using angel investors is one of the easiest ways to raise loans in Africa, not just in Ghana. Angel investors are individuals that invest in small or new businesses. They also provide funds for expansion.

Typically, these individuals have some funds at their disposal that they aren’t in need of it at the moment. They loan business owners by way of investment and expect a share of the profits in return. Angel investment is a type of equity financing.

Some of the common angel investors in Ghana include:

–     Synergy Capital Managers – This Company has its presence in Accra as well as many other African countries. One of the goals of this investor is to unlock the potential of SMEs in different sectors.

–     eVA Fund – This investor focuses on raising sustainable tech experience and mobilizing capital for SMEs in Ghana.

–          World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF)

–          Fincap Securities

–          Wangara Green Ventures

Venture Capital

Venture capital is a form of private investment in which investors provide financing to small businesses and startups. The funding comes from well-to-do investors and investment banks as well as other finance bodies.

Some of the venture capital providers in Ghana include:

–          Venture Capital Trust Fund (VCTF)

–          Oasis Capital Ghana Limited

–          SunFunder

Government Schemes

The Ghanaian Government has also made some provision available for small businesses in Ghana. With these provisions, businesses can get access to loans and funding in the country. Two of the most important government funding schemes in Ghana are discussed briefly below:

–   Youth Empowerment Synergy (YES) Ghana – This body is the foremost youth organisation in Ghana. It was established to foster the growth of innovation among the energetic youth of the country.

This body provides both training and funding to Ghanaian youth in different areas. To learn more about YES Ghana, click here.

–    Presidential Business Support Programme (PBSP) – This is an initiative under the supervision of the Ministry of Business Development. It was established to assist Ghanaian businesses in terms of funding and advisory services. Learn more about PBSP here.


If you are an SME in Ghana and you just read this post, you should be pretty excited. We have shown you several loans you can access in Ghana. Other loan options you can take advantage of include GroFin, Skills Development Fund (SDF), and many others. If you have any questions, drop them in the comments section.

crowdfundingloans in Ghanamircofinance loans
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