Do you have an innovative idea to address smart logistics challenges in Africa?
Apply to DIGILOGIC Challenges to:
- Participate in a 3-day Bootcamp in Europe with relevant experts
- Enjoy 12 months of support (85 hours) from technology, business and logistics experts from Europe and Africa.
- Have 12 months of access to Digital Innovation Hubs facilities in Africa and Europe (up to 85 hours)
- Enjoy marketing support to meet investors and uptakers
Successful proposals will Get
Successful proposals will participate in a 12-month program beginning with a three-day boot camp, which is followed by:
- Up to 85 hours of access to Digital Innovation Hubs’ (DIH) facilities in Africa and Europe.
- Up to 85 hours of tailored mentoring/coaching/peer support.
- Opportunities to connect with innovation networks and large companies
Eligibility criteria
- Impact Potential: an actual user problem is solved and can potentially be scaled.
- Development Stage: idea-stage startups to scale-stage startups – all are invited (mentoring will be co-designed to suit stage and focus).
- Role of Technology: social innovation is as important as technical innovation.
- Motivation/Team Fit: Entrepreneurial drive and fit with selection criteria.
- Gender Mainstreaming Principles will be applied: each team should have female participant(s).
- Applications from African, European, African / European teams are welcome (teams from one continent will be connected with the other continent during the Bootcamp and subsequent activities).
- Applications accepted from Ghana, Nigeria, Zambia, Finland, Germany, and Italy. Also, from Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.
- At least one team member should have some English language skills.
- At least two members should be able to commit to full participation in the program.